CoreCivic has updated its Privacy Policy for California residents.

2017-DamonHininger-03.jpgTo the team at Recovery Monitoring Solutions Inc.

Welcome to the CoreCivic Community family.

We are excited and proud to have you join our team. We respect the important work you do to provide non-residential solutions to your partners and those you serve. We know that services like those provided by Recovery Monitoring Solutions Inc. help keep individuals from returning to prison or from being incarcerated all together. This is important to us and we know it is important to you too.

Many of you are probably wondering, understandably, what this all means for you. For now, your everyday work will remain unchanged. The bottom line is that we know you are experienced professionals in the work you do, and we respect your expertise.

Still, we know you'll have questions. We're working closely with your leadership to ensure they are armed with the information they need to help with the transition. We have created this website to help you navigate the information, but you can submit email questions to

At CoreCivic Community we have a single purpose: to tackle America's recidivism crisis. We do that through our growing, national network of residential reentry centers, providing life-changing programming and assistance. We want to help individuals get their lives back on track. Whether diverting individuals from prison on the front end or helping them stay out once released, we know that these residential and non-residential alternatives are critically important.

In the coming weeks and months, we'll be sending you more information through onsite visits and through your facility leaders. It is a top priority for us that you stay informed about this important time for our organizations. While we're getting to know you, we may reach out when we have questions of our own. I want to thank you in advance for your help in this regard.

Thank you for your patience, understanding and professionalism during this transition. Together, I know our two organizations are going to do great things. And I'm excited to get started.

Thank you for all you do, and again, welcome.

Damon T. Hininger
CoreCivic President and CEO


Non-Residential Services

Non-residential services like electronic monitoring and counseling are critical to reducing recidivism and reflect our core mission of reentry. Learn more


Who We Are

We are CoreCivic

A Fresh Start: A California reentry center offers inmates new beginnings.

Second Chances at First Impressions

CoreCivic Leading on Programs and Policies

CoreCivic Raises $531,000 for Nonprofit Community

CoreCivic Helps Inmates Find Footing with Job Readiness Training

CoreCivic Facility Has Highest GED Graduation Rate in Colorado
Crowley-News Thumbnail.jpg

Georgia Facilities Open New Inmate Training Centers

Serving the Public Good

Learn more about CoreCivic and the company’s long-standing commitment to better the public good in partnership with government.

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Reducing Recidivism

We believe that reentry preparation begins on day one of incarceration.

Learn More