When seeking vendors for services, products, or equipment needed in managing a prison, jail, detention center or residential reentry center or for a design, construction, or renovation project, CoreCivic invites local and national vendors to participate in the procurement process. CoreCivic's Purchasing Department identifies and pre-qualifies interested vendors to ensure the vendor is capable of meeting our requirements. Contracts are awarded based upon quality, price, and overall best value for the services and/or products offered.
As CoreCivic has increased in size over the past 40+ years, so has our use of preferred vendor contracts. A preferred vendor is a supplier who can distribute products and or/services all over the country, while maintaining quality, cost and timely delivery of critical products and services as part of a long-term arrangement. We continuously seek and source new quality products and services for national and regional contracts in an effort to further optimize cost control and savings, while continuing to obtain the quality products and services that result in efficient operations and resident and staff satisfaction.
For more information email: Purchasing@CoreCivic.com
CoreCivic has a clear understanding of the impact our combined purchasing power has within a local economy. A local supplier distributes product or services in a limited geographical region. Buying decisions are a collaborative effort between a facility and CoreCivic's Purchasing Department. Contributing to the success of businesses within the communities we serve is paramount. Our local purchasing strategy focuses on expanding the local marketplace where businesses tend to fit into the small and disadvantaged business sector. This, in turn, helps connect our facilities to the community as a dependable, reliable business partner that is seen as an economic asset beyond just being a large employer.
For more information email: DBI@CoreCivic.com
5501 Virginia Way, Suite 110
Brentwood, TN 37027
Phone: 615-263-3000
Fax: 615-263-3140
Fax (for employment verification only): 615-242-5826