If your car has ever broken down, then you know there's nothing that puts your mind at ease like knowing you have a good, reliable technician you can trust to fix it. Now, thanks to the Vehicles for Change program at CoreCivic's Boston Avenue reentry facility in San Diego, California, four formerly incarcerated individuals are certified automotive technicians, and six more will be certified this March.
Vehicles for Change is a non-profit organization that provides automotive technician training to justice-involved individuals. Classes include both hands-on training and job coaching, as well as state-of-the-art virtual reality training. Participants who successfully complete the program receive referrals to recognized auto industry employers and test preparation for the Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) Certification. Vehicles for Change also provides 30 days of job search assistance after program completion and a six-month follow-up with case management and support services.
Automotive technician jobs are in high demand. According to the Bureau of Automotive Repair, demand for new technicians is estimated to outpace supply by five to one in 2025. Research shows demand for new technicians rose to 258,000 in 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which led to a significant decline in technician training program completions. That number is expected to reach nearly 800,000 in 2025.
Landing a job as an automotive technician can lead to a lucrative, stable career. According to the job search site Indeed, the average base salary for an automotive technician in California is $31.70 per hour. That means technicians working full-time can earn nearly $66,000 per year.
As for the certified participants at Boston Avenue, one participant has already secured a full-time position at a local Jiffy Lube and another participant has been hired as an operations specialist with Vehicles for Change. Boston Avenue is excited to continue its partnership with Vehicles for Change, as it has already proven positive, measurable outcomes for returning citizens.