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Career Preparation: Returning Citizens Dress for Success

11/17/22 8:00 AM
Did you know that your professional appearance in an interview can actually influence a hiring manager's decision to pursue your job application further? Studies show that your presentation and appearance in a job interview can be as important as ...
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Military Business Resource Group on Mission to Support Those Who Serve

11/10/22 8:45 AM
It's no secret that people with a military service background have experiences and skills that easily transfer into a variety of career fields. This is particularly true in corrections, where leadership and professionalism are key. Recently, ...
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Education Success in Ohio: College, GED, Vocational and Culinary Students Graduate at Lake Erie Facility

11/3/22 8:00 AM
CoreCivic's Lake Erie Correctional Institution in Conneaut, Ohio, recently hosted a graduation ceremony for nearly 70 student-inmates who were awarded a GED or a career technical education (CTE) certificate. One graduate even walked across the stage ...
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Reentry Planning from Day One: CoreCivic Sets High Standard for Reducing Recidivism

10/27/22 8:00 AM
A study published by the RAND Corporation found that on average, individuals who participate in education programs while incarcerated have 43 percent lower odds of returning to prison. Additionally, the study found that every dollar spent on inmate ...
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Achievement through Perseverance: Colorado GED Student Soars to New Levels

10/20/22 8:00 AM
Sometimes in life, it takes two: a keen observer and a persistent underdog. Andres Hidalgo worked much of his life in the food industry prior to incarceration. Hidalgo moved to the United States from Mexico in 1985 and after becoming incarcerated in ...
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CoreCivic Raises $550,000 at Annual Charity Golf Classic

10/14/22 8:00 AM
The CoreCivic Foundation raised $550,000 through its 31st Annual Charity Golf Classic held in Hermitage, Tennessee, on Oct. 6. These funds will be given to a group of 33 non-profit organizations supporting formerly incarcerated individuals, victims ...
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Dog-Training Program Promotes Hope and Healing

10/6/22 8:45 AM
There is something special about spending your day with your furry, four-legged companion by your side. In fact, residents at CoreCivic's Hardeman County Correctional Facility in Whiteville, Tennessee, have the opportunity to do this while also ...
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Navigating a National Workforce Shortage through Service and Innovation

9/29/22 8:00 AM
If the last few years have taught us anything, we must be flexible and ready to adapt quickly. Our employees have demonstrated their ability to rise to the challenge, but now there is a new challenge we are facing: the national workforce shortage.
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Celebrating One Year of Learning and Compassion with Frederick Douglass Project for Justice

9/22/22 8:00 AM
CoreCivic's Bent County Correctional Center is located in Las Animas, Colorado, and offers a host of programming aimed at helping individuals prepare for life after release. However, one program is taking a unique approach to changing the ...
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Top 10 Barriers to Reentry and How CoreCivic is Helping

9/15/22 8:20 AM
CoreCivic offers a variety of programs to help those in our care prepare for reentry. As part of this preparation, our reentry professionals work with each individual to address his or her unique barriers to reentry and help facilitate a successful ...
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Celebrating Second Chances with Maverick City Music

9/8/22 8:00 AM
CoreCivic has recently teamed up with the Maverick City Music Initiative through a partnership that aims to celebrate second chances. This collaboration with the Maverick City Music Initiative will open new opportunities for returning citizens to ...
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CoreCivic Celebrates Graduates at Trousdale Turner Correctional Center

9/2/22 8:00 AM
The reentry programming offered at CoreCivic facilities can change the lives of those in our care. From high school equivalency (HSE) diplomas to industry-recognized certificates (IRC) or post-secondary education, graduating from these programs are ...
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Giving Back: CoreCivic Facilities Donate Supplies to Local Schools and Students

8/26/22 8:00 AM
As the school year begins across the country, several CoreCivic facilities are working to make the transition back to the classroom a little easier for schools and students. Here is a look at a few of the ways CoreCivic is making a positive impact ...
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CoreCivic CEO Damon Hininger Receives E.R. Cass Award

8/18/22 8:00 AM
CoreCivic President and CEO Damon Hininger has had a long and illustrious career in corrections. He is known by his peers as a staunch advocate for reentry and a champion for the dignity and human rights of justice-involved individuals. Now, thanks ...
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Residents at CoreCivic Learn Value of Fatherhood from Parenting Program

8/11/22 9:30 AM
Children who have at least one incarcerated parent are at an increased risk of psychological problems, antisocial behavior, and potentially going to prison themselves. On top of that, 92 percent of incarcerated parents are men. For these reasons and ...
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