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CoreCivic Delivers on Unprecedented Reentry Commitments

4/23/18 12:27 PM
More than three years ago, CoreCivic President and CEO Damon Hininger made a bold announcement on behalf of our company — that CoreCivic would take steps unprecedented in the public or private sectors to strengthen our reentry programming, ...
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How CoreCivic Built a LEED Silver-Certified Correctional Facility

4/20/18 10:00 AM
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Volunteer Spotlight: Erma Wright Sets Bright Example

4/19/18 10:00 AM
In honor of National Volunteer Week, a look at one woman's outstanding service
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Celebrating the Service of Volunteers in Corrections

4/17/18 12:44 PM
By Tim O'Dell, Director of Chaplaincy and Volunteer Services
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Dressing for Success Builds Workplace Confidence for Formerly-Incarcerated Women

4/10/18 12:48 PM
Dress right and feel right. It builds self-confidence. It’s detail that matters.
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Venturing into New Territory, Building on Decades of Success

4/3/18 12:36 PM
CoreCivic Properties makes company and industry history through innovative real estate solutions.
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Lee Adjustment Center Reactivation Brings Big Opportunity to Kentucky Town

3/27/18 11:44 AM
As CoreCivic begins managing the newly reopened Lee Adjustment Center in Beattyville, Kentucky, the company stands to deliver a range of public safety, social and economic opportunities to the town and state.
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Substance Use Disorder Programs Give Ex-Offenders Hope

3/13/18 9:09 AM
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Training Dogs in Prison Helps Inmates Gain Skills, Compassion

3/7/18 1:16 PM
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CoreCivic Helps Inmates to Create a Life Plan

2/20/18 11:30 AM
The process is called “Go Further,” and the themes that drive it are universal: Life happens. It is a journey. Personal choice sets the direction.
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See How One CoreCivic Employee Fosters Community Partnerships to Reduce Recidivism

2/14/18 12:35 PM
Corrections professionals work hard to educate inmates about what they need to be successful in the free world. At CoreCivic, we also recognize that it’s just as important to ask inmates what they want to accomplish and what barriers they feel are ...
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CoreCivic Properties to Develop First Built-to-Suit Privately Owned, Publicly Managed Correctional Facility in Kansas

2/6/18 9:09 AM
CoreCivic Properties works to deliver cost-effective, innovative real estate solutions for government, and soon the team will be delivering a brand-new project for the state of Kansas.
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CoreCivic Leadership's Message to Employees on Our Support for Reentry Policies

1/25/18 10:03 AM
At CoreCivic, we’re incredibly proud that our employees view reentry as our company’s purpose. Our chaplains, teachers, principals, treatment managers, counselors and correctional officers work caringly and compassionately to help the inmates ...
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CoreCivic Treatment Programs Show Inmates Path to Inner Freedom

1/9/18 10:21 AM
Eighty-five percent of those in prison have drug- and alcohol-related issues, but inmates who receive substance abuse treatment while incarcerated are less likely to return to prison. The Residential Drug Abuse Treatment Program (RDAP) at the ...
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Coffee Correctional Facility Graduates First Welding and Diesel Maintenance Classes

12/21/17 2:18 PM
This holiday season, 49 inmates at Coffee Correctional Facility in Nicholls, Georgia are giving their families – and themselves – a special gift: their technical certificate in Gas Metal Arc Welding and Diesel Truck Maintenance. The certificates ...
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