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Ocean View Job Readiness Program Prepares Returning Citizens for Success

CoreCivic | 5/16/24 9:10 AM

The Job Readiness program at Ocean View stands as a unique initiative, representing CoreCivic’s unwavering commitment to the successful reentry of those in our care. Located in San Diego, California, Ocean View is a residential reentry facility that provides comprehensive reintegration services to more than 400 individuals not only from California but also from throughout the United States. Operated by CoreCivic, the facility partners with the U.S. Bureau of Prisons and serves a diverse population of justice-involved individuals.

The high standard of care commences upon acceptance into the Job Readiness program. A resident’s case worker conducts a thorough inventory of their criminogenic needs, encompassing educational background, work history, pre-sentence investigation report, and physical and mental health status. This information guides the assignment of two additional team members: a social service coordinator and an employment specialist.

Facility Director Aisha Alvarado confirms, “After intake, a personalized protocol and dedicated team are established for each resident. A continuum of care, monitored by their case worker, remains in place throughout the client’s participation in the program. This approach provides a solid foundation on which a sustainable future can be built.”

The employment specialist identifies the necessary steps for residents to obtain employment. Ocean View’s four section Job Readiness program includes resume development, job searches, completion of application requirements, and mock interview sessions. Residents have access to the latest technology in the facility’s computer labs.

The employment specialist serves as a constant support, answering questions, holding residents accountable, and guiding them through the process from initial paperwork to job offers.


Partnerships with local and national agencies facilitate many steps towards gainful employment. CoreCivic and Ocean View have established collaborations with community organizations to help residents acquire essential documents, including identification cards, Social Security cards, and birth certificates. Training programs and second-chance employers offer opportunities in various fields, such as forklift training, carpentry, commercial driving, union trades work, and career opportunities in car dealerships and hospitality.

Expanding their strong community support, CoreCivic collaborates with Home Start, a non-profit child abuse prevention and treatment agency that has strengthened and developed San Diego’s families and communities since 1972. Through Home Start, residents receive vouchers for new clothes and passes for public transportation. Home Start’s commitment to stronger families through financial stability is exemplified by their bank account matching programs, which match every dollar earned by residents in their new jobs.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy reinforces transitional skills, including a holistic mindset shift from the prison environment to independent living. Ocean View’s residents are housed in a dormitory setting, receiving three meals a day, free laundry services, access to recreational areas, courtyards, and a visitor’s center. Six weeks prior to leaving the program, case workers partner with probation officers to explore housing resources. When necessary, the social services coordinator collaborates with bridge service providers, offering resources for sober living, emergency housing, and ongoing support.

Serving as a testament to the invaluable role a supportive community plays in continued stability, monthly graduation ceremonies are attended by families, friends, program partners, and probation officers to celebrate the residents. Most notably, all the resources and services of Ocean View’s Job Readiness program are offered at no cost to participants. Facility Director Aisha Alvarado, the dedicated staff of Ocean View’s Job Readiness program, and CoreCivic have designed a roadmap for sustainable success that models and supports hard work, relationship building, and community for the residents it serves.

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