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How Wellness Programs are Helping Promote Mindfulness for Justice-Involved Individuals in California

CoreCivic | 7/12/24 9:57 AM

Understanding and confronting mental health struggles can be complex and challenging, but innovative programs at CoreCivic's Boston Avenue reentry facility in San Diego, California, are helping residents break through these barriers. Boston Avenue offers programs emphasizing healthy stress management, yoga, relaxation techniques, and more. One such program called Mental Health First Aid even confers a certificate to participants, valid for three years, in mental health first aid from the National Council for Behavioral Health upon completion.

The Mental Health First Aid program is facilitated by Mental Health America of San Diego County. It's comprised of two four-hour class sessions and includes lessons on how to identify and understand the signs of addiction and mental illness in others. Participants also learn how to interact with someone in crisis using de-escalation techniques and how to connect the individual in crisis with a professional who can help.

According to data from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, more than 20 percent of Americans experience a mental health or substance use disorder. With the passing of the Mental Health First Aid Act in 2013 by U.S. Congress, more grants are available to provide mental health first aid training programs that are critical to increasing public education on mental illness and addiction disorders.

During Mental Health Awareness Month, which is observed in May, CoreCivic's Boston Avenue facility celebrated its third Mental Health First Aid graduation with 16 participants receiving a certificate.

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